Jiaqiang HUANG's Group
Diagnostics and Prognostics of Batteries

We are working at the interface between batteries and sensors
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Principal investigator

Dr. Jiaqiang HUANG was born in Quanzhou, China. He holds bachelor and Ph.D. degrees in Mechanical Engineering from Shanghai Jiao Tong University and the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, respectively. He was a postdoc in Hong Kong Polytechnic University (2017-2018, with Biao Zhang) and Collège de France (2018-2021, with Jean-Marie Tarascon). He has joined the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou) in January 4, 2022.
Ph.D. students
Mr. Canbin DENG, Msc@CSU, co-supervisor: Prof. H. YU (MAE@CWB), 202108 -
Mr. Xibin LU, Msc@CSU, co-supervisor: Prof. J.-M. TARASCON (CdF), 202202 -